Information for existing members wishing to renew their membership.

Memberships should be renewed via the 'Purchase/Renew Membership' link, with the shopping cart itself accessed via the 'Add to Cart" at the bottom of the same page.

Memberships can be renewed by credit card payment or EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) payment. 

The cost for one year's membership is currently $40.

Please note your membership details will not be updated when paying via EFT until funds have been transferred and received in the Clubs bank account, refer details below:
  • EFT payment: The Club’s banking details are Westpac BSB: 036-019 A/C #: 179658. Use your surname & membership number as a reference. No responsibility will be taken by the Club for funds deposited that aren’t identifiable.

If your renewal is paid via credit card, your membership details are updated automatically.

Memberships are valid on a rolling calendar basis as set by an expiry date. Members are notified via email of upcoming renewal dates.

If you renew before your expiry date, then your new one-year membership term starts from the existing expiry date, not from the date of actually renewing. i.e. no one is disadvantaged by renewing early.

A grace period of 2 months exists. This maintains membership privileges (and website 'member' access) for a set period beyond expiry dates. A member is termed “unfinancial” during this period, but is able to login to the website and renew their membership.


If you have not already done so, you will also need to complete all the fields in your member profile - gender, birth year (e.g. 1986), address, suburb, postcode and primary phone, as these are all required fields (see the "Member Menu" for "My profile").

Otherwise you will get the following error message: "Membership purchase declined. We require you to complete your profile record with a minimum of the following fields filled out".

Once this is complete, you can purchase a membership via the "Purchase/Renew Membership" link in the "Member Menu".